I qualified as a Footology Therapist in 2005 and launched my healing practice soon after that. Experience taught me, that with sensitivity, compassion and the proper guidance, clients are able to experience profound clearance and release during Footology Therapy sessions.
As Footology facilitates healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level, it is actually no coincidence that sole and soul, sounds exactly the same, with just a difference in spelling.
Our biography, which includes our thoughts and emotions, negative patterns and energy blockages, is mirrored on the soles of the feet, and it may surprise you to find out that Cracks, blisters and calluses actually have emotional roots.
While we think, the body is activated by thought-energy patterns leaving imprints on the relevant organs and then, in turn is reflected on the feet. This display is not a static picture. During the thinking process, while talking and experiencing certain feelings, the foot” canvas” is constantly in e-motion. While talking, foot features may deepen or swell, a change of colour may take place, or areas of the foot may begin to pulsate. To witness this display of thought-interaction is awesome ands fascinating. Not only present interaction is displayed on the feet, but also long-term emotional experiences are reflected within the associated organs, such a fear affecting the kidneys, hatred or lack of love and affection the heart, anger the liver and obsession affecting the spleen. As the emotional blocks deepen over time, the function of a certain organ may be effective, and over time, become dysfunctional and illness will become evident.
With Footology Therapy, it is possible to prevent the onset of illness and watching the foot scripture shift while treating clients, is a new and miraculous experience each and every time.
Footology Therapy is an emotional transformation process, where negative, dense vibrations of energy, stored as emotional blockages within the human energy system and body organs are released spontaneously.
A session could take an hour, or more, depending on how far emotional blockages are traced back.
The goals of Footology are two-fold:
- To assist in the release of emotional blocks and thereby support the body’s own healing process.
- By utilizing the “scripture” on the feet, self-motivation can be stimulated, and self-actualization and personal growth can be achieved.
Footology Therapy is based on the following aspects:
The procedure; Analyses based on the Footology Grid, the release of energetic blockages; Specific communication skills and a gentle balancing Foot Massage.
The Footology procedure incorporates the following steps:
The assessment of the client, a footbath scented with a little essential oil, and a short relaxation period, during which the feet often start talking.
This is followed by the process, which allow the release and support for self-growth.
The Footology grid or mapping incorporates the anatomy, as reflected on the feet as in reflexology and the related body-mind interaction. The actual scripture on the feet is created by: calluses, blisters, deep lines land wrinkles, discolouring, with their symbolic meanings, as well as a range of different interpretations of ancient wisdom of the subtle energy vortex systems, the chakras. All these components complement each other in a unique and amazing way..
- As in psychology and some other therapies, a process, based on the recall of old emotional incidents, allowing the memories to resurface, “re-lived”, or if it is too painful to re-live, events can also be re-viewed without attachment, as when watching a movie, and then released spontaneously. The Footology grid serve as a guideline for the emotional discovery trip into the subconscious mind, where most of emotional memories are stored.
- The treatment requires specific communication skills to guide and support the client along their often sensitive foot-path.
- A gentle, balancing foot massage helps to smooth and settle the ruffled emotional world.
It is important to remember that everything consists of energy and although energy can be changed into another form (water changing into steam) energy can never be destroyed. All of life is designed to evolve and if we, as humans wish to grow, it is important that we learn to let go of our natural internal resistance to what life brings us, and start to embrace all human experiences, past and present. In this regard it may be helpful to view the Earth as a big schoolhouse, enabling the learning of many personal “Life Lessons”, specifically designed by a Higher Power, for our own personal growth and evolution. When we start to accept that nothing happens by chance or without reason, we become able to step out of personal human drama. Once our individual Life Stories and past events are integrated within our body and human energy system, the past can be transformed into the Light.
An elderly man, named Neil, who was in extreme pain and could hardly walk came for a Footology Session. His right heel was in a terrible state, covered with a thick callous, that had cracked open and was bleeding. He tried many remedies, but nothing worked. While guiding Neil along his individual footpath, via the Footolology Mapping Grid, in order to discover the mental and emotional origin of his painful feet, it was explained to him that the heel of the foot symbolises the First, or Base chakra, which is linked to the mental imprints of the conscious and subconscious mind about or roots, the family, the tribe (Caroline Myss) and our social environment. When Neil was asked whether he had any idea what the painful cracked and bleeding heel was all about, he knew immediately that this was somehow linked to his sister in England who was very religious, and never forgave him for developing his own philosophy and was living his life accordingly. She stopped all communication with Neil and refused to anything to do with him. It was suggested that he write a letter anyway, just to get things off his chest. By doing that, Neil expressed his thoughts and feelings, which was bothering him for so many years. By letting go of these memories, the cracks on his heels heeled within a few days.
Physical, emotional and spiritual issues can all be addressed through Footology Therapy. The big toes and toenails are a window that can shed light on the relationship that we have with our Creator. This communication tool can ease the way for clients to rid themselves of some of their biggest fears.
Usually profound and heartfelt shifts are brought about during Footology sessions, making each and every session a very unique experience.
I have expanded the Footology course information, and like all of the other courses that I have ever learned, and taught, the version of Footolology that I teach, includes not only what Karin taught, but also my own insights, interpretation and revelations.
Since the feet reveal startling soul secrets, it is great to use a Footology session as a starting point to determine where dense vibrational energy patterns and blockages are hiding within the physical body and human energy system.
It is helpful to set an intention to trace emotional blockages back to its core inception point, which often times may even have occurred before birth, while developing as a fetus, within the womb of the mother.
When intuitive guidance prompted me to include deep relaxation techniques, compassion, deep and heartfelt acceptance and also a process of forgiveness during Footology sessions, the effective and lasting release of emotional blockages was greatly enhanced.
As soon as a client is able to acknowledge / accept /or surrender their own individual life story, however sad or traumatic it may have been, it becomes possible to release negative patterns and emotions of anger, rage, sadness, regret, fear, feelings of abandonment, deep unworthiness, and of not being good enough, etc.
Quite often blockages spontaneously release, once related incidents are remembered. This was the case with a lady client, whose second toe was climbing over of the big toe of her right foot, spontaneously realigned back to its correct position during a Footology session, while she remembered a traumatic incident , involving her ex husband, that happened in her life.
However, often when the original cause and inception point of a certain blockage happened a very long time ago, e.g. before birth, I found that it is helpful to be in a very relaxed alpha or theta state during a session, as then the release of blockages happen more quickly. When self-compassion and a deep and Heartfelt Forgiveness is included, dense, low energetic vibrations, experienced as “ghosts of memories from the past”, is more effectively released, transformed and integrated.
it is important to remember to not rely only on intellect alone, but to follow the wisdom of our heart instead, as the heart truly is the seat of our spirit, divine inspiration and the source of inner guidance, which is feeling and intuition based. Sometimes people have a hard time to access their feelings, which may affect their ability to sense their soul’s guidance and to hear and interpret the “still” inner voice.
Allowing ourselves to FEEL and TRUST our FEELINGS, are keys to spiritual growth and self-realization. Indeed, it is our heart-felt feelings that will guide us to fulfilling our life purpose with ease and grace.
Once trapped emotions are acknowledged and the past is released, physical symptoms rapidly disappear. Just bear in mind that “negative situations” often present a unique opportunity for growth and the act of sincere and deep forgiveness of others and self, “builds a bridge back to heaven” – re-connecting you to your True essence & power, bringing about inner peace and lightness of being.
It has been found that if a client battles the darkness of depression, this indicates a lack of Light, due to the fact that the full power and light from the Soul Self, the immortal part of us, has not been fully embodied, integrated and grounded within the human body. After inviting the LIGHT of the SOUL into the body, this Light can be grounded into the earth, through the soles of the feet.
After experiencing a Footology session many clients said that they were ”feeling as light as a feather” or “as though mountains of burdens were lifted off their chest”.
Session Length: 60 minutes. The client completes an assessment form while soaking the feet in a fragrant footbath and then lies down.
The treatment of some foot reflexes helps the client to relax and the Footologist has time to connect and observe the feet. This is when the feet, as it were, started “talking”. The features appearing on the feet then guide us to any issues calling for attention. Sometimes many issues can be addressed in one session, but on an odd occasion, only one issue can be addressed.
Treatment is concluded by a gentle foot massage for balancing and healing.
Standard Therapy Rates: R600 per hour session.
I wish to acknowledge and honor Karin Lombardozzi the original founder and teacher of Footology Therapy, who taught the course when she was already in her late 60’s. Karin Richter was born in Hamburg Germany and at age 17, after World War II, she obtained a position as an au pair in German, South-West Africa now Namibia). She studied nursing in Pretoria, South Africa, eventually became a nursing manager in Oranjemund, met her husband Vic Lombardozzi and had three sons. Karin left the nursing profession in 1992 and pursued a career in complementary medicine. She studied Universal Reflexology, Human and Universal Healing Methods I; I; III & IV, Aura Soma I & II.
After Karin studied The Language of the Feet with Chris Stormer, she realized that her approach was different. While she also used “motivational features” visible on the soles of the client’s feet, such as the indication of processing an above average intelligence or creativity, Karin preferred not to tell clients the “meaning” of the unique features appearing on their feet, but instead used the Footology Grid to guide them along their “footpath” to issues which needed to be solved. This approach allowed clients to do the interpretation themselves, unearthing emotional blockages and talking about issues that were sometimes buried for as long as 30 years. Karin found that by remembering and “reliving” an event, the “scripture on the foot sole canvas” would change right before the eyes of the Footologist, which is living proof, that the energy blockage was released and that healing that has indeed taken place. What makes Footology Therapy so special, is the fact that healing is reflected on the feet, which is proof of the ongoing dialogue between our thoughts and our feet.
Karin registered the School of Footology, and a Website, began teaching this modality both in South Africa and Namibia. Karin was in the process of writing a book about Footology, but sadly her laptop was stolen from her car, and because she did not copy the information, the book was never published. Sometime later, Karin Fell and broke both hips, contracted viral meningitis and eventually passed away.
Funny enough, a while before Karin fell and got sick, she e-mailed information about a revised Footology Course, including information which would probably been included in the book that she wrote on Footology, but never got published. This e-mail arrived suddenly and quite out of the blue, with a covering note that she just felt like sharing the Information about the revised Footology Course with me.
When Karin was still practicing Footology, a client who came to me for a session, told me that she tried to book a session with Karin, but that she referred her to me, since, according to this client, Karin said that she should book a session with me, as “I was her best student ever”. Needless to say, I was quite surprized to hear this.
Quite a few of the people who did my Quantum Healing Levels I & II Courses, have been nagging me to teach Footology Therapy. Since Karin had passed away a very long time ago, and she had shared her course information out of the blue with me , I thought that perhaps it would be a good idea to do so, as Karin unfortunately did not have enough time to share Footology with the world, as was her dream.